Some truths, some lies, all stories.

Scott Young Scott Young

Classy Crime Thriller “The Redhead in the Cove” Is a Page-Turning Whodunit

Somewhere near the middle of the smart, fast-paced thriller The Redhead in the Cove (Waterside Productions)by Scott Addeo Young and Edmond G. Addeo appears the sentence, “As the wise old Socrates said in the Forum to the eager young Plato while ankle-biter Aristotle crawled around the sand at their feet, ‘You never know.’”

You never know. Isn’t that the secret for a great thriller? That, along with a likeable, relatable protagonist who is clever, witty (or so he thinks) and of the right voice to guide us through a page-turning whodunit.

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Scott Young Scott Young

The Redhead in the Cove

A teenage boy kayaking outside the San Francisco Giants baseball stadium hopes an out-of-the-park home run will gain him a floating souvenir. Instead, he discovers something macabre—the body of MaryLou Kowalski, a once beautiful young nurse, washed up on the rocks of a cove adjacent to the stadium.

This novel takes readers on a mission that weaves in and out of the many eccentric characters that inhabit the Bay Area in a race to uncover the truth behind this grizzly crime.

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Scott Young Scott Young

Exact, Precise, & Incomplete

A still night was shattered by the shrill shrieks of the outdated security system from a jewelry store, inviting the neighborhood, and police, to witness the illegal activities occurring.

However, this heist is never as it seems, as this rookie detective is soon to find out…

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